

The DAIWA Germany GmbH is part of the GLOBERIDE Inc. group from Tokyo/Japan and employs about 50 people at the German headquarter in Munich.

At our headquarter within the heart of Munich, dedicated employees, grouped in international teams of product development, marketing, purchase, sales, personnel, IT and accounting accompany the operational process with a wide range of services for their customers in whole Europe.

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Currently, we have no open positions available.

We thank you for visiting our website and for your interest in joining Daiwa Germany GmbH. However, we would be pleased to receive an unsolicited application!

Find us:

DAIWA Germany GmbH
Georg-Brauchle-Ring 23-25
80992 Munich

See signage at the entry
Office block 25 B
Entrance behind Aral service station

A doorbell panel is located at the entrance area of office block 25 B. Please call DAIWA Germany GmbH via the display and register yourself. We will collect you at the entrance.

Arrival by car:
The office block's entry is located at Georg-Brauchle-Ring with direction into town. The office block 25 B is located behind the Aral service station, please chose the right lane as soon as possible.
At the outdoor area you will find a visitor parking slot, antepenultimate slot at the left side, see also signage. If this slot is occupied, please contact DAIWA Germany GmbH via doorbell panel.

Arrival by public  transport:
U-Bahn U1/U7
Station: Georg-Brauchle-Ring
Exit: Bus stop 180
Walkway about 7 minutes, along Georg-Brauchle-Ring – direction Olympic Park
Access to the company grounds behind the Aral service station

Bus number 180
Station: Riesstraße-Süd
Access to the company grounds behind the Aral service station


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